2024-25 2nd Thursday Forum
Unless otherwise noted, Forums take place in the auditorium of the St. Anthony Park Branch Library from 6:30-7:30 pm.
2245 Como Avenue, St. Paul, MN
2024-25 2nd Thursday Forum Schedule
September 12
Crop Art: Comedy and Commentary at the State Fair
Award-winning Crop Artist, Theresa Anderson, shares the story of her artistry and the history of crop art at the Minnesota State Fair, the only major crop-art competition in the world.
October 10
St. Paul's Early Childhood Ballot Initiative: What Voters Need to Know
-Venue Change: SAP Lutheran Church-
November 14
A Sea Change for Lake Superior: The Warming of the World's Largest Lake
December 12
Holiday Sing-Along with Dan Chouinard
Join Twin Cities-based pianist, accordionist, storyteller, and vocalist Dan Chouinard for a community holiday sing-along.
January 8, 2025
Managing Emotions and Social Relationships in a Polarized Era
Many of us are struggling with how to retain our emotional equilibrium while navigating relationships with loved one who make different political choices. Family therapist and Braver Angels cofounder, Bill Doherty, will share his ideas about keeping your emotional balance and not losing relationships in the months and years ahead.
February 13, 2025
History of Milton Square
Just across Como Avenue from the Library is one of the most iconic buildings in Saint Anthony Park. Join us for a history of this structure with architectural historian and neighborhood expert, Kristen Anderson.